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Guestspeaker- Alex and Renias
Alex and Renias
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South Africa
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Wildlife expert
Guest Speaker Alex van den Heever spent his formative years growing up on a cattle farm in the Western Cape, South Africa. After completing studies in Marketing and Business Management, he joined the worldrenowned Londolozi game reserve in 1995, as a game ranger. Alex worked as the environmental manager, presented for the marketing team and conducted specialised safaris.

Alex’s greatest fascination is traditional skills of wildlife tracking. He has dedicated much of his life to learning the ancient skill, eventually qualifying as one of a handful of tracker assessors in 2004 – the youngest ever to achieve this feat. Over the last two decades Alex has tracked jaguars in the Amazon jungle, bears in California, grizzlies and wolves in Montana and the famous black-mane lions of the Kalahari. Alex is the general manager of the Tracker Academy, a NGO which trains unemployed people in traditional skills of tracking.

In addition to his conservation work, Alex has worked as a facilitator for Vulindlela Transformational Services conducting diversity training. Here he led courses aimed at facilitating a better understanding between black and white people working in corporate South Africa. Alex is the founder of Power Supply, a company which produces fortified foods for rural markets and bulk feeding. The company distributes over a million meals per year of its vitamin enriched products.

Alex and Renias continue to work together in the bushveld, as well as to conduct motivational presentations in South Africa and abroad. Their inspirational presentation, The Power of Relationships, has relevance for both local South African as well as international audiences. Alex is the co-author of bestselling animal tracking book called the Tracker Manual. 
Guest Speaker Renias Mhlongo was born in a mud hut in what is today the greater Kruger National Park. The Mhlongo family sustained themselves on the land by growing vegetables, tending cattle and hunting small game. Renias, almost as soon as he could walk, was sent out to tend the family’s cattle herd. He is one of the last people to be raised in the original traditions of a Shangaan hunter-gatherer.

During forced removals of Apartheid regime, Renias and his family were sent to a settlement called Dixie. Without any formal education, he was forced to seek work at a game reserve as a labourer. In 1984 he became a tracker at Londolozi - thereby putting to use his exceptional skills as a naturalist. Over the last 34 years Renias played a pivotal role in habituating the world-famous leopards of Londolozi.

Renias has conducted tracker training workshops in South Africa, Brazil, Kenya and North America - teaching people the traditional skills of trailing animals. In addition to his extensive experience with African animals he, with Alex, has tracked animals all over the world. Using his tracking skills Renias has also conducted small mammal surveys for game reserve owners in South Africa. In 2010, Renias became a principle trainer of the Tracker Academy.

Renias is also a co-author of the Tracker Manual published by Struik Nature. Renias has travelled internationally, and in so doing has touched many by the gracious manner with which he teaches people about African wildlife, culture and philosophy. He is a natural storyteller. He taught Alex the art of humorous storytelling, which comes out strongly in their motivational presentation, “The Power of Relationships”. During their inspirational presentation, Renias provides personal insights to relationship building and the power of diversity. Alex and Renias have presented “The Power of Relationships” in South Africa, Kenya, the USA and England.
Guest Speaker Alex van den Heever spent his formative years growing up on a cattle farm in the Western Cape, South Africa. After completing studies in Marketing and Business Management, he joined the worldrenowned Londolozi game reserve in 1995, as a game ranger. Alex worked as the environmental manager, presented for the marketing team and conducted specialised safaris.

Alex’s greatest fascination is traditional skills of wildlife tracking. He has dedicated much o
PRESENTATION by Alex and Renias

Life as a game ranger at Londolozi Private Game Reserve and his relationship with tracker Renias Mhlongo to convey transformational wisdom and insights.
Alex and Renias demonstrate how to break down cultural barriers utterly in the workplace and foster generosity of spirit among people. It is not a methodology they offer but rather an ability to inspire the audience and open their minds to their potential as individuals and as a team.
The motivational presentation culminates with a few insightful and extremely entertaining stories told by Renias in his mother tongue, Shangaan, which Alex translates for the audience. Alex van den Heever and Renias demolish the walls that isolate each one of us
This inspirational presentation has direct relevance for both South African as well as international audiences. The duo has presented in South Africa, America, Brazil, Chile, England, and Australia.
Audio visual presentation
Duration: 50 minutes
PRESENTATION by Alex and Renias

Life as a game ranger at Londolozi Private Game Reserve and his relationship with tracker R
Equipment Requirements
1. Laptop Computer – Alex will supply a laptop. In the unlikely event of it not working, he would like a standby to be available (must have CD ROM & PowerPoint).
2. Data Projector – The brighter the better.
3. Sound – Ideally amp and speakers should be connected directly to the laptop. Alternatively a CD player, amp and speakers. The louder the better. 4. Stage – Elevated and large. Alex moves around and there are occasions where he is virtually flat on the floor. Must be secure, make no noise and the surface must not be slippery.
5. Large Screen – The presentation is very visual, so the larger the image, the greater the impact
6. Cordless lapel microphone – This is only necessary if the room is very large with a large crowd of people.
7. Lighting – Ideally the lighting should be adjustable i.e. on a dimmer switch

No Lectern is required

ALEX VAN DEN HEEVER - Introduction Alex spent 13 years working at the world renowned Londolozi game reserve as a wildlife guide and ultimately as the environmental manager. He holds one of the highest qualifications for a guide in South Africa and has conducted personalised safaris all over Africa. He attained the distinction of senior tracker evaluator in 2002 and became one of 5 in the country. Alex is the co-founder of a nutrition company which develops fortified food for rural people. He has recently started Tracker Academy which trains unemployed people in the traditional skills of tracking. During his time in the bushveld Alex formed a powerful bond with his tracker Renias Mhlongo. This friendship became the inspiration for his talk, “The Power of Relationships” They have presented in South Africa and America.
Equipment Requirements
1. Laptop Computer – Alex will supply a laptop. In the unlikely event of it not working, he would like a standby to be available (must
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